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As a photographer, I'm naturally in tune to my surroundings and see pictures happening all around me. When I capture a unique moment in time, I feel that I have been blessed with a timeless gift. Sometimes a moment in time is so unique—so beautiful, that I feel an obligation to capture it so that others will not be denied the joy that I just experienced. 

My interest in photography was sparked back in the early 80’s when I got my first camera—a Kodak Disc 4000 camera. In those days, I was becoming more aware of memories passing before me and the need to capture them. Now with a camera, I felt poised to do something important and to receive satisfaction like no other. Quickly, I started learning skills and techniques that turned my snapshots into interesting photographs. But it wasn’t long before I realized that my photography ambitions could be better realized in the 35mm format. Equipped with a Pentax Super-A SLR camera, I started photographing family members and pets …making still life and portrait photographs. 

loaded with either Ilford Pan F 50 and Ilford FP4 black and white print film,

As I matured as a photographer, I realized great photography could only happen when there is a genuine love and appreciation for the subject matter. A good photographer should find him or herself naturally immersed in what he or she is photographing. Before a camera can be handled, before a shutter can be released, a connection must be made between the photographer and the subject matter.

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